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173 Movie Reviews

65 w/ Responses

Can't wait for more.

Very smartly done! I loved the camera angles--this is way too advanced for a first entry. I wish my first shot at animating was this good.

thrakish responds:

THANK YOU!!!! tell many many people please... =D


I'm really shocked that you only used Windows Media stock sound files to pull this off. I never would have guessed--and it fits the animation so well.

++Very nice quality--I love the colorful world. Nice attention to detail, especially with the smoke coming out of the carts at the airport.

-When the car screeched to a hault, the streak lines stopped before the car did, which shouldn't have happened.

-The beginning Ibby's Hair Restorer title shot had far too high of a contrast between the red text and the blue bg.

++I love the facial expressions of Ibby's lips. How did you do that? I'm guessing you fbf'd that. I'm not sure, but it's a fantastic effect that you pulled off. I've never see something like that before.

+Nice factory shots and inside jokes with the labels. They were on screen for just the amount of time needed to get the joke, which was expertly done.

I really liked the simple story but it would have been nice if there was more conflict as a whole. Still, it was a wonderfully made flash animation.

IceDragon64 responds:

Thank you so much for your detailed review.
1. I am proud of the sounds. I set my heart on doing it this way and some of the scenes, such as the lift, were created to use the sound! The sounds are made speeding up, slowing down and mixing sounds- the car, the lorry and the plane are the same sound! The smoke out of the forklift truck took 21/2hours of getting it wrong before I got it right!
3. I will imporve the skid marks
4. I will check out the contrast
5. Lips were FBF. I took ed77's 2 second animation and developed it, altering each frame of his FBF and inserting another 30 frames. ed77 (the real Ibby) is such an over the top, expressive person he doesn't do small smiles!
This is SUCH a controversial movie! people LOVE or HATE the MS sounds and after all that effort on the lips, for example, it got blammed 3 times! This is already a labour of love and its far from finished yet!

Better than 2

I'm really liking this series especially since, from a technical perspective, you're constantly improving.

++I was espeically fond of the hand gestures and the cut away from the audience. Great job adding a much needed tint to the last scene. That's the attention to detail I've come a appreciate from your animations.

- I feel like I'm the only person in the audience--even with the laugh track. Whenever Mike looks at the audience, he's basically just looking directly at me. It'd be nice if his eyes could steadily make eye-contact with other imaginary audience members in the crowd. It'd also be better if you could have him rotate or cut to a new angle every now and then where you can see Mike and the audience at the same time. Maybe even a similar perspective like the one you have now but with the back of people's heads in the foreground.

+Longer is good. I'd still like to see something that covers an array of material. It's really hard to start laughing with only a minute worth or just one topic of a stand up routine.

Overall, I liked it and I thought it was better than #2. However, the symbol recycling irks me a bit and I hope it doesn't become a habit of yours.

Big improvement--some tweaking would go a long way

I watched this about three times, once without any sound. Afterwards, I waited about a day and then watched the first episode only to come back and watch this one over again.

I've got to say it there's a huge improvement over ep. 1.

+ I love the fact that the spotlight follows the Mike across the screen. It's movement could be delayed a bit more. Still, it's a very nice touch. For the future, I'd like to see the spotlight actually be a radial with transparent edges rather than a huge translucent disk. You may also want to try adding a shadow to the back wall.

- It's a bit short. I'd suggest saving these up a bit more until you've got a solid minute and a half before submitting it. It's kind of hard to enjoy great stand up a few jokes at a time.

+/- I liked the tweened movement--but it also comes off to making the character look flat and stiff. If you changed your symbols for your arms and legs much like you have for the mouth and eyes, you can give more range to the types of movements your character can have.

+ I liked the facial hair--you don't look like a 16 year old anymore. xD

Just too sweet!

How sweet.

For all mothers around the world, thanks.

Way to do sprites with style

You know, when I was first watching it, I kept asking myself why the camera was focusing in on so many blurry sprites. And then it hit me after I noticed the level of detail that went into this flash. You were really used some dynamic camera angles to convey the story. So, if would have been nice if more of the sprites were of a higher quality, but this was still expertly done.

Great story--and finally, a fresh breath of air to a style of art I thought had long played it's final hands.

DYNAKYRIS responds:

I appreciate that.

In an animation form such as this, you work with what you can. I'm just glad I grew up in the 80s and 90s, otherwise, I'd do something ilke this in 3DStudioMax or Maya (minus KAISA). I'm more of a 2D kind of guy.

Thanks for watching this with your artistic eyes open.

Heh heh

I still come back to this every now and again, and even now I continue to find myself holding back tears. This flash reminds me of Roadkill and Juliet. Second attempts are so great...

Awesome work, mizan.

Hyperboy Returns (again)!

For all intensive purposes, I love you dearly.

Nice to have you back.


You're play button seriously rubs me the wrong way. >_< But this is a cute flash. I liked the joke and the animation ended on a high comedic point that was all you.

A higher frame rate for a short this short would have been appreciated. The movement seemed slow and awkward (especially while his arm was turning) and needed some sense of easing.

The shape tween you used on the bowling ball caught me off guard and made me smile. I've never seen that technique used that way and that grainy effect turned me on. I also enjoyed both the music and the animation. They really complimented each other.

Overall, I have some issues with your play button and your framerate (which comes off as a bit lazy for such a short animation), but other than that, this is a solid animation.

Bad-Atom responds:

Don't worry, my future Flashes will have more user-friendly buttons. :)

I used 24 fps on this short, but I understand what you mean about the movements. I'll keep trying to improve in that area.

And I'm going to use the grain effect on all my future animations. It's a simple, subtle effect, but it's unique and people will instantly know it's one of my cartoons they're watching. Glad you enjoyed it.

I only read 10 reviews. xD If you have a honest issue about my work, you're taking me too seriously.

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