Holy Crap--275 reviews!
You're really good! I really love the vector-style art you used--great eye for camera angles too. I also caught a bit of your wacky sense of humor in there too.
I liked it a lot but I'll try to be constructive for your future projects:
- I think you'd benefit from animating at a higher framerate. It looked like you were working at 24fps, when I think that 30 will do nicely and will help cut down on lag for critical scenes in your animations.
-I'd avoid using blur filters how you are and instead just use bitmaps that have a picture of your blurred background on them already. Then all you'd have to do is tween the bitmap just like any other symbol. This practically eliminates all lag that you'd encounter during your animations.
Keep it up! You're by no means a beginner, but if you need any kind of advice, drop a PM my way.