Plans: This is Unmei, Xxxxx Xxxxx Yotsuba, Campus Nerds: Nerdacon
Not too early to announce this but This is Unmei is already over a minute done. Considering this is only a 2.53 minute animation, that's pretty good. Good chance I'll finish it within 2007--and it's looking to be the best thing I've animated yet. >_<
I'd post some more images, but what's the point really? They're all pretty crazy looking. I'll upload more after fall break.
"Blankity Blank" YOTSUBA
Because I can--and I should. <3
I'm still wavering on some really great ideas. The only problem is that Ty and I can't think of any decently good jokes to do with so many already popular series. That plus it makes the entirety of the project nearly 1000% easier when we already have music from the game that was previously cropped and sequenced like the one in MGY.
We'll keep knocking our heads.
Nerdacon is coming around again and I need to make an animation for it. My plan is to put together a list of all the things that I love-hate about campus nerds and spam them to death. Literally. But without the spam.
+I plan to update Pick Up: Act Two so that the audio can be improved for it's release on UGOPlayer.
+I may need a root canal. :(
+I'm the best Big Bang Beat Player in my city. (kick ass!)
Well I'm sure you will come up with something good :)
sorry to hear about the root canal, it sucks I know.